Blog Posts

An Assyrian genocide monument in Phoenix, AZ?

The Assyrians, including but not limited to all who identify themselves as Assyrian, Chaldean, and/or Syriac, are an ethnic group whose origins trace back to the ancient Assyrian Empire. The heartland of the Assyrian Empire today consists of northern Iraq, southeastern Turkey, alongwith parts of Syria, and Iran. The Assyrians are people who have inhabited the Middle East since ancient times and are the indigenous people of Mesopotamia, better known as “the cradle ofcivilization”. The Assyrian people have been victim

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Missing Relatives

The Assyrian Genocide Remains an Open Wound and Many People are Still Looking for Their Missing Relatives By Lily Malek The following letter is one of those letters that we receive from all corners of the world: My name is Lily Malek, daughter of Axenia Bejan. I am looking for my lost aunt, Lisa Bejan, and her kids. She was kidnapped by the Ottoman during World War 1 at the age of 14. She was born in Khosrava, a village

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The Model of the Prophet Jonah

The Model of the Prophet Jonah The Ancient Israeli Ambassador to the Land of Assyria Dr. Yaacov Maoz In 1985, the Tel Aviv-Yafo Municipality erected a statue by Ilana Gur “The Smiling Whale” near the port of the Old City of Yafo (Jaffa). Since then, the whale statue has become an integral part of the city’s landscape and everyone who’s seen it has learned about the ancient biblical drama that links the fate of the Assyrian nation to its Jewish

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Bu diller şimdilik Almanca, İngilizce, İspanyolca, İtalyanca, Farsça, Rusça, Fransızca, Arapça, İsveççe, Yunanca, Süryanice, Batı Ermenicesi, Doğu Ermenicesi, Hollandaca, Kürtçe ve Sırpçadır. Bu dillerin daha da artacağına inanıyorum. Sevgili okurlarım, değerli arkadaşlarım, sizlere yeri ve zamanı geldikçe yazarlık hayatımla ilgili bilgiler vermek, mutluluğumu sizlerle paylaşmak istiyorum. Bugüne kadar toplam 30 kitap yayınladım. Bu 30 kitap yazacaklarımın sadece önsözüdür! Henüz en güzel kitabımı yazamadım. Henüz en güzel sözümü söyleyemedim! Umarım ömrüm kafamdaki kitapların yazılmasına yeter! Şu anda yeni kitabımı yazıyorum. Tek

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Remembering the 1933 Massacre of Assyrians in Iraq

By Abdulmesih BarAbraham (AINA) — On the 87th anniversary of the massacre of Simmele, where the Iraqi Army systematically massacred the inhabitants of more than one hundred Assyrian villages in north Iraq, Joseph Yacoub, honorary Professor of political science at the Catholic University of Lyon, published an article in French titled Le drame des Assyro-Chald�ens ne commence pas aujourd’hui (the Drama of the Assyro-Chaldeans Does Not Begin Today). The article appeared in the online edition of the French Newspaper Le Figaro, reminding

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A day to remember in Arizona!

This year on March 3rd, 2020 the Arizona House of Representatives in a unanimous vote passed the HCR 2006 Assyrian Genocide: Remembrance Day. This resolution was introduced by Representative Nancy Barto and brought to fruition by The Assyrian Genocide Research Center (Seyfo Center). It was also co-sponsored by Representatives Jennifer Jermaine (D) and Frank Carroll (R). The Assyrian community in Arizona is forever thankful to these amazing representatives for their courage and compassion! Guests of honor were Representatives Nancy Barto,

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19 Mayıs 1919 Pontos Rum / Helen Soykırımı

19 Mayıs 1919 Pontos Rum / Helen Soykırımı Tamer Çilingir TBMM’nde 21 Ağustos 1922 yılında yapılan bir gizli oturumda Sinop milletvekili Hakkı Hami Bey öne çıkarak, hükümetinin sürgün politikasına karşı gelir. Yaptığı konuşmada şunları vurgular: “Eğer sürgünler insanların öldürülmesiyle ilgiliyse bu çok vahimdir. Dünyanın gözleri önünde bizi lekeliyor. Hükümet kendini savunamayacaktır. Ne yazık ki bugün, bir kez daha, araştırma komisyonuna gelip gelmeyeceğini ve gelirse onu kabul edip etmeyeceğimizi konuşuyoruz. Bence bu hiç doğru değildir. Eğer araştırma komisyonunu kabul edersek büyük

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