Breaking News Today, April 24, 2021, President Joe Biden became the first U.S. President to officially recognize the Armenian Genocide. In his statement, President Biden wrote, “Each year on this day, we remember the lives of all those who died in the Ottoman-era Armenian genocide and recommit ourselves to preventing such atrocity from ever again occurring.” In 2019, the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate passed a resolution recognizing the killing of Armenians, Assyrians, Greeks, and other Christians by the …
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Zeynep TOZDUMAN Mardin / Nusaybin ilçesi Badıbe köyünün karşısında sıra dağlar bulunan noktada Kürtlere göre BAGOG 7000 yıllık bir tarihe sahip Süryanilere göre TUR İZLO Dağları adı verilen bölgede bundan 1500 yıl önce inşaa edilen Mor Yakup manastırı 10 yıl evvel Rahip Aho’nun emekleri ve restorasyonu ile adeta dağların ortasında bir cennete çevrildi. Sır vermez dağlar nasıl olduysa Rahip Aho’ya gelince GİZLİ TANIK ifadesi ile bir güzel insanı daha Cezaevine yolculamak üzere. Bilmeyenler için Manastırlar İsa Mesih’in öğretisine göre kapısına …
Please sign and share this petition calling on our local state officials to support this resolution! Magnificent strides are being made towards genocide recognition by the Assyrians of USA. And we need everyone’s help! SJR0021 (Senate Joint Resolution 21) has been introduced on 3/3/21 by Senator Ram Villivalam (D-08) and Representative Jennifer Gong Gershowitz (D-17) of the State of Illinois. It recognizes the Assyrian Genocide of 1915 AND the Simele Massacre of 1933 as genocide and declares August 7, 2021, as Assyrian …
The Assyrians, including but not limited to all who identify themselves as Assyrian, Chaldean, and/or Syriac, are an ethnic group whose origins trace back to the ancient Assyrian Empire. The heartland of the Assyrian Empire today consists of northern Iraq, southeastern Turkey, alongwith parts of Syria, and Iran. The Assyrians are people who have inhabited the Middle East since ancient times and are the indigenous people of Mesopotamia, better known as “the cradle ofcivilization”. The Assyrian people have been victim …
The Assyrian Genocide Remains an Open Wound and Many People are Still Looking for Their Missing Relatives By Lily Malek The following letter is one of those letters that we receive from all corners of the world: My name is Lily Malek, daughter of Axenia Bejan. I am looking for my lost aunt, Lisa Bejan, and her kids. She was kidnapped by the Ottoman during World War 1 at the age of 14. She was born in Khosrava, a village …
The Model of the Prophet Jonah The Ancient Israeli Ambassador to the Land of Assyria Dr. Yaacov Maoz In 1985, the Tel Aviv-Yafo Municipality erected a statue by Ilana Gur “The Smiling Whale” near the port of the Old City of Yafo (Jaffa). Since then, the whale statue has become an integral part of the city’s landscape and everyone who’s seen it has learned about the ancient biblical drama that links the fate of the Assyrian nation to its Jewish …
Bu diller şimdilik Almanca, İngilizce, İspanyolca, İtalyanca, Farsça, Rusça, Fransızca, Arapça, İsveççe, Yunanca, Süryanice, Batı Ermenicesi, Doğu Ermenicesi, Hollandaca, Kürtçe ve Sırpçadır. Bu dillerin daha da artacağına inanıyorum. Sevgili okurlarım, değerli arkadaşlarım, sizlere yeri ve zamanı geldikçe yazarlık hayatımla ilgili bilgiler vermek, mutluluğumu sizlerle paylaşmak istiyorum. Bugüne kadar toplam 30 kitap yayınladım. Bu 30 kitap yazacaklarımın sadece önsözüdür! Henüz en güzel kitabımı yazamadım. Henüz en güzel sözümü söyleyemedim! Umarım ömrüm kafamdaki kitapların yazılmasına yeter! Şu anda yeni kitabımı yazıyorum. Tek …