Prof. Israel Charny is a worldwide known and respected genocide scholar. I have had the pleasure to meet him first in Bosnia and then, last year, in Athens. The interview below was conducted via email. I would like to thank Mr. Charny for answering these brief questions. …
Month: November 2011
Avustralya Federal Meclisi'nde bir grup milletvekili, "Ermeni, Rum ve Süryani soykırımı" iddialarını gündeme getirerek hükümeti ve parlamentoyu "soykırımları" resmen tanımaya ça …
David William Lazar was born in Baghdad in 1959, the family left Iraq in 1965 and he grew up living in Kuwait and Lebanon. In 1979 he arrived in Los Angeles from London as a prospective university student. In 1980 he co-founded Assyrian Students Society at California State University, Northridge. In 1982 he represented the Western Region of the US at the Assyrian Universal Alliance Congress that was held in Los Angeles. …
Der 1948 geborene Verleger und Menschenrechtsaktivist Ragip Zarakolu wurde am Abend des 28. Oktober 2011 auf dem Weg nach Hause in Istanbul festgenommen. Zarakolu ist Gründer und Besitzer des Verlages Belge (Urkunde), der zahlreiche internationale Werke ins Türkische hat übersetzen lassen und dabei immer wieder Bücher zu in der Türkei tabuisierten Themen vor allem zu Problemen der Minderheiten verlegt hat. …
An initiative of the Assyrian Youth Federation in Sweden resulted in a book about the Seyfo, the Assyrian genocide in the Ottoman Empire. The author of this book, Prof.Dr. David Gaunt works as a historian at the Södertörn University in Sweden and belongs to the world wide leading scientists of the genocide against the Assyrians. …