SERVE | EDUCATE | ADVOCATE Click here for the German Edition to purchase in the US.Click here for the Dutch Edition to purchase in the US.For those outside of the USA: Please log into your country’s Amazon account to make a purchase. Stay tuned for the upcoming Assyrian Edition! …
Category: Articles
Öykü Kitabı SEYFO İSMAİL Dindar’ın yazdığı “Seyfo” adlı kitap 6 adet Süryani-ermeni öyküsünden oluşmaktadır. Bu öyküler, yazarın farklı kitaplarından derlenmiştir ve İsveç Süryani Moravgin Manastırı Derneğinin işbirliği ile Evrensel yayınları tarafından, 2016 yılında istanbul’da yayınlanmıştır. Kitap Türkçe, Kürtçe, Süryanice ve İngilizce olmak üzere dört dilde, aynı kitapta yayınlanmıştır. 262 sayfadan oluşan kitabın sonunda, “Seyfo” öyküsünde geçen kahramanların bazılarının kendileri veya yakınlarının fotoğrafları da yer almaktadır. Yayınlandığı tarihte çok istenildiği halde, tüm çabalara rağmen , öyküleri Ermenice ye çevirecek birinin bulunamamasından …
Jaklen Alkyan’s newest book tells the poignant story of an Assyrian family during the harrowing period of Seyfo, the Assyrian genocide of 1915. In collaboration with The Seyfo Center, this book is crafted specifically for younger readers, gently introducing them to this crucial historical event. Through its narrative, it imparts lessons on bravery, strength, and hope in the face of adversity. Heartfelt and captivating, this latest work by the award-winning author is sure to leave a lasting impression. Join Ashur …
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE PHOENIX, AZ — August 23, 2024 — The Arizona Department of Education has officially approved the inclusion of the Assyrian Genocide in the state’s social studies curriculum, marking a significant step towards broader historical education in Arizona schools. The curriculum, approved on August 10, 2024, is now available in the ToolKit for high school educators across the state, to be utilized in the 2024-2025 academic year. The curriculum is listed under “Teaching About Genocide Resources”. The decision …
Breaking: Arizona becomes the first state to adopt the Assyrian Genocide Curriculum to be taught throughout its high schools! Stay tuned for more information. Additionally, our Arizona team will proudly present the details of this historic achievement at the 91st Annual Convention in Orlando. This presentation is free for convention attendees. You can register at …
Numan Kurtulmus, Speaker of the Turkish Parliament, sent a letter to Yael Braun-Pivet, President of the French National Assembly, condemning the decision to acknowledge the Assyrian and Chaldean Genocide by the Ottoman Empire adopted by the French National Assembly on April 29. In the letter, Kurtulmus said, “We deeply condemn the adoption of an Assyrian-Chaldean bill containing baseless allegations against Ottoman history in the French National Assembly on April 29, 2024, at a time when we are trying to develop …
AACF – Officiel: It’s done. Today, April 29, 2024, the National Assembly has just voted unanimously on a resolution recognizing the Assyro-Chalden Genocide of 1915–1918, presented by the deputy Anne Laure BLIN, chairman of the Renaissance group, and the deputy LR Sylvain Maillard. Remember, at our Annual Grand Dinner just 2 months ago, former President Nicolas Sarkozy, who had honored us with his presence, in his speech, called on the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, to officially recognize the …