The Republic of Turkey has recently confiscated Assyrian properties in Tur Abdin. This attempt to confiscate Assyrian properties, including churches, monasteries, and cemeteries, is considered by Assyrians around the world as the last bullets of the Assyrian genocide of 1915. The Turkish state has seized among others below Syriac Orthodox Church and Monasteries in; Hapisnas : Mor Lazar MonasteryMarbobo : Mor Dodo Church Harabale (Arkah) : Mor Malke Monastery Harab-mishke : Mor Aho Church Badibe : Mor Yahkup Monastery Assyrian people are the indigenous people …
Category: English
I would like to thank the Assyrian Aid Society for inviting me here tonight and for attending. Ladies and gentleman, Three years ago, Assyrians and other Christians living in Mosul, Iraq, were sent a message by the brutal organization, ISIS. The message was; either converts to Islam and pay high taxes or leave. This brutal order was not only limited to Mosul, but also to the Christians living in Syria. As results, thousands of people including men, women, and children …