Herbole, Şırnak/ İdil’den sonra önce Mardin/ Deyrul Zafaran manastırına ait 700 zeytin ağacı yakıldı. Daha Deyrul Zafaran manastırının yangını sönmeden yine Süryani köyü olan Midin’de bağlar, bahçeler ve Tur İzlo (Bagog) dağlarının eteğinde bulunan 6 Süryani köyü; Arkah, Kısmen Arbo ve Kafro köylerinde bağlar, tarlalar yakıldı. En son 3 Ağustos 2019’da Süryani köyü Badıbe kundakçılık yapılarak yakıldı. Kundakçıların çıkardığı yangınlar Süryanilere hem maddi hem manevi olarak çok zarar vermiştir. Süryanilerle birlikte Mardin coğrafyası da ülkemiz de iklim bozulmasından ötürü zarar görecek. …
Blog Posts
By Daniel Campos Between 1894 and 1924, 1.5 million to 2.5 million Christians were murdered in Anatolia World-renowned Israeli historian Benny Morris sat down with i24NEWS to discuss his new body of work, which seeks to unravel the systematic genocide of Christian subjects of the Ottoman Empire before and after its collapse. As found in The Thirty-Year Genocide: Turkey’s Destruction of its Christian Minorities, between 1894 and 1924, 1.5 million to 2.5 million Christians were murdered in Asia Minor. Many of Morris and …
Midyat’ta bulunan Süryanilere ait Mor Gabriel Manastırı Vakfı arazi davası ve İstanbul’daki Boyacı köy Panayia Evangelistra Rum Ortodoks Kilisesi ve de Okul Vakfının Avrupa İnsan Hakları Mahkemesine (AİHM) ayrı ayrı yaptıkları başvuruları reddetti. AİHM, farklı tarihlerde yapılan iki başvuruda, Türkiye’nin Avrupa İnsan Hakları Sözleşmesi’nin (AİHS) adil yargılanma hakkıyla ilgili 6. maddesiyle, mal ve mülkiyetin hakkının korunmasıyla ilgili 1. protokolün 1. maddesini ihlal ettiği yolundaki şikâyeti kabul etmedi. İstanbul’un Beyoğlu ilçesinde bulunan, Boyacıköy, Panayia Evangelistra Rum Ortodoks Kilisesi’nin 1877 yılında inşasına …
By Nurcan Baysal A photograph on the Voice of America website last month showed Armenians in Diyarbakır, my hometown, celebrating Easter in a café, as they still had no access to their church. The curfew put in place by Turkish authorities in December 2015 remains in effect in the 6 districts of Sur, the ancient centre of Diyarbakır, where the Surp Giragos Armenian Church is located. During the clashes between young Kurdish insurgents and the Turkish state, military curfews were declared …
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wu-hhcklYqc&feature=youtu.be …
By Sabri Atman The Turkish Republic, as the lawful successor of the Ottoman Empire, has a policy of denial and refuses to acknowledge the genocide despite overwhelming evidence. The Republic of Turkey was founded on the genocide of 1915 and even after 104 years the genocidal mentality remains. President Erdogan maintains, “Muslims cannot commit genocide.” During the years of World War I more than half of the Assyrian population in the Ottoman Empire was systematically murdered. The majority of those …
AINA News By Tuma Abraham, MD Augsburg, Germany (AINA) — In a lecture at the Assyrian Mesopotamian Association of Augsburg on April 22nd to mark the commemorative event of the 104th anniversary of Assyrian Genocide, Mr. Abdulmesih BarAbraham examined a sociological aspect of genocide, how victims of genocide view themselves given their unique experience of mass murder. From their grandparents who survived the genocide, the Assyrians know well the repeated saying: what happened to us did not happen to any …