Blog Posts

The Majority of eligible Members of the UK Parliament have recognized the Armenian Genocide

The number of MPs in the House of Commons who have signed motions (called Early Day Motions) recognizing the 1915 Genocide of Armenians and Assyrians has passed 250 this week, representing the majority of all eligible MPs. Of the 646 MPs, only 495 are eligible to express their own views on these motions, because the other 151 are part of the government or have other roles which preclude their signatures.

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The secret payment of Patriarch Elias Shaker for denying the Assyrian genocide Seyfo

Did you know that the Syrian Orthodox Patriarch Elias III Shaker secretly got paid by Turkey to deny Seyfo and to stay loyal to the republic? New documents previously classified show that our church leaders played a bigger role than we have known, when the Assyrians were deprived of their minority rights in Turkey. Journalist Augin Kurt has taken a closer look at what has been revealed in the new documents.

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Patriark Shakers hemliga lön för att förneka Seyfo

Visste du att den syrisk-ortodoxe patriarken Elias III Shaker i hemlighet fick lön av Turkiet för att förneka Seyfo och vara lojal mot republiken? Nya dokument som tidigare var hemligstämplade visar att våra kyrkoledare hade en större roll i att assyrierna fråntogs sina minoritetsrättigheter i Turkiet än vad vi har känt till. Journalisten Augin Kurt har tittat närmare på vad som kommit fram i de nya dokumenten.

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