Political intrigue

THE West's posturing sanctimony against Israel over the Gaza aid flotilla incident demonstrates political intrigue at its lowest ebb. Both Greg Sheridan ("A huge win for Hamas and a blow to Israel", World, 5-6/6) and Robert L. Pollock ("Turkey's demagogues a threat to hopes for peace in the Middle East") lay bare the duplicity of the Turkish government in this unhappy turn of events.

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Why the Reaction to the Assyrian Genocide Monument Matters

The construction of a memorial to the Assyrian victims of the Turkish genocide in the quiet Sydney suburb of Fairfield has had widespread ramifications, with the usual suspects parading their dubious and shop-worn catalogue of shabby denials. The Turkish Ambassador says local councils have no business interpreting history, a remarkable statement considering his country makes it state policy to punish anyone who dares to state that the genocide occurred. One presumes that if, say, Gallipoli Town Council was to put

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Ninos Aho – a celebrated pioneer in the Assyrian Movement

For more than 40 years, the poet and driving spirit Ninos Aho has strived to create a new Assyrian identity, which he calls the modern Assyrians. Severely affected by blood cancer, he is bursting with more energy than ever - or perhaps because of that, he is in a hurry to make his most important promptings before the disease takes the upper hand. Last fall he was hailed in Germany and Holland. Recently, also in Sweden. Journalist Augin Kurt makes

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