By Helen Talia, MBA, CPA When Sabri asked an Assyrian survivor to speak about seeing his mother raped and his younger brother slaughtered during the homogenize stage of Turkey’s Ottoman genocide that wiped out two-thirds of the Assyrian nation, he said, “For you, it was 100 years ago; for me, it was yesterday night’s dream.” Sabri then followed about the story of Infidel Hassan who waited his whole life to see his birth mother who repeatedly refused him audience — …
Category: Articles
by Abdulmesih BarAbraham, MSc. Chairman Board of Trustees Mor Afrem Foundation “I have more memories than if I were a thousand years old.“ Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867) In his recent French book entitled “Les Assyro-Chaldéens : mémoire d’une tragédie qui se répète“ (The Assyro-Chaldeans: Memory of a Repeating Tragedy) and published in April 2021 by L‘Harmattan, Paris, Professor Joseph Yacoub describes a unique chain of tragedies of the Assyro-Chaldeans which culminated in the genocide of 1915-1918, known as „Years of the …
Deep inside the forbidding black basalt city walls, the vast and age-old bazaar of Diyarbekir was burning. It burned for three days and nights, from around midnight on 19 August until 21 August 1914. The chief of police, Mehmed Memduh, a brutal thug, hindered the merchants from putting out the fire or even to save their merchandise. The new vali, Mehmed Reshid Bey, installed only the week before, refused to intervene and was generally assumed to have masterminded the arson. …
TBMM de 2022 yılı plan ve Bütçe görüşmelerinin yapıldığı bu günlerde eşit yurttaşlık ilkesinden yola çıkarak Mecliste Süryani, Ermeni, Rum halkının kiliselerine, Eğitim kurumlarına, kültürüne bütçe çıkarılmadığı sürece bu bütçe sadece radikal İslami kucaklayan anti demokratik bir bütçe olacaktır. Yıllardır iktidarın payandası haline gelen Diyanet işleri başkanlığı; Eğitim, Sağlık v.b. gibi birçok bakanlıktan daha büyük bir bütçeye sahiptir. Türkiye geneli 70 bin kalan Süryani, Ermeni, Rum ve Yahudi nüfusunun ibadethanelerine tek bir ampul dışında bu güne değin Diyanet işleri Başkanlığından …
by Abdulmesih BarAbraham, MSc.[1] In time for the 106th anniversary of the genocide perpetrated by the late Ottoman Empire during World War I (WWI), a new book by Professor Taner Akçam appeared in Turkish by Aras Publishing in Turkey and titled “Ermeni Soykırımı’nın Kısa Bir Tarihi” (A Short History of the Armenian Genocide). Taner Akçam, professor of history at Clark University in Worchester, MA, since 2008, has been doing research on the Armenian Genocide for thirty years. He received his …
Zeynep TOZDUMAN Mardin / Nusaybin ilçesi Badıbe köyünün karşısında sıra dağlar bulunan noktada Kürtlere göre BAGOG 7000 yıllık bir tarihe sahip Süryanilere göre TUR İZLO Dağları adı verilen bölgede bundan 1500 yıl önce inşaa edilen Mor Yakup manastırı 10 yıl evvel Rahip Aho’nun emekleri ve restorasyonu ile adeta dağların ortasında bir cennete çevrildi. Sır vermez dağlar nasıl olduysa Rahip Aho’ya gelince GİZLİ TANIK ifadesi ile bir güzel insanı daha Cezaevine yolculamak üzere. Bilmeyenler için Manastırlar İsa Mesih’in öğretisine göre kapısına …
Please sign and share this petition calling on our local state officials to support this resolution! Magnificent strides are being made towards genocide recognition by the Assyrians of USA. And we need everyone’s help! SJR0021 (Senate Joint Resolution 21) has been introduced on 3/3/21 by Senator Ram Villivalam (D-08) and Representative Jennifer Gong Gershowitz (D-17) of the State of Illinois. It recognizes the Assyrian Genocide of 1915 AND the Simele Massacre of 1933 as genocide and declares August 7, 2021, as Assyrian …