Congratulations to our winners! 

Meet Enlil from Arizona, the winner of the elementary school category. Enlil wrote a letter to Agha Petros. Enlil was awarded $100.00.

By Enlil Y.

Shlama Agha Petros,

I know you are in the middle of a big battle against our enemies. I know our people are getting killed. As you are a wise leader, I am sure that you will get our homeland back from the enemy. 

We are “Mighty Assyrians”, and our enemies will be scared to see us together on the battlefield. As a Jesus follower, you shouldn’t lose your hope and faith. Please be patient with our people as it is hard for them to see their families are being killed. Our ancestors, King Ashurbanipal and King Sargon would be proud to see what you are doing for their children. 

I might not be there right now, but I will keep you in my prayers and my heart is very close to you and my people.  I am working very hard in school to become your future voice. I will speak about your journey to my friends. I know the Lord will keep his promise and he will help us to get our homeland back. I will speak about your work for the world and Assyrians will never forget about your work.

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