Arizona Department of Education Approves Assyrian Genocide Curriculum for Statewide Implementation

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE PHOENIX, AZ — August 23, 2024 — The Arizona Department of Education has officially approved the inclusion of the Assyrian Genocide in the state’s social studies curriculum, marking a significant step towards broader historical education in Arizona schools. The curriculum, approved on August 10, 2024, is now available in the ToolKit for high school educators across the state, to be utilized in the 2024-2025 academic year. The curriculum is listed under “Teaching About Genocide Resources”. The decision

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An enormous achievement for the Assyrians around the world!

AACF – Officiel: It’s done. Today, April 29, 2024, the National Assembly has just voted unanimously on a resolution recognizing the Assyro-Chalden Genocide of 1915–1918, presented by the deputy Anne Laure BLIN, chairman of the Renaissance group, and the deputy LR Sylvain Maillard. Remember, at our Annual Grand Dinner just 2 months ago, former President Nicolas Sarkozy, who had honored us with his presence, in his speech, called on the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, to officially recognize the

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SAYFO an Account of the Assyrian Genocide


Published in 2021, Sayfo is based on surviving eyewitness accounts of the Assyrian genocide, penned by a seminarian from greater Tur Abdin (southeast of the modern Turkish state). The viewpoint is relatively unknown and seldom discussed. This text, which has been translated and annotated by a master of Syriac who also knows a lot about modern Assyrian history, is a rare chance for new research. The killing of the Assyrians is one of the worst things that people have forgotten

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A book on the attitude of the Vatican towards the Genocide of 1915

Abuna Fikri Gabriel

Grandson of a survivor of the 1915 genocide, born in Turabdin, southeastern Turkey, Abuna Fikri Gabriel is a Doctor of Theology from the Catholic University of Louvain, Professor of Catholic religion at the Saint Laurent-Liège Institute and a Priest at the Syriac Church in Liège. He has published two essays in the Review of Ecclesiastical History, the Vatican faced with the genocide of Armenians and Syriacs (Brepols 2016) and in Cahier de la revue théologique de Louvain 46, Syriacs and Turks, what

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Historia skapades i Frankrike!

Folkmordet SEYFO 1915 erkändes av den franska senaten! Paris (SEYFOCenter)– Idag, den 8 februari, var en historisk dag i det franska senaten. “Assyriska/kaldéiska folkmordsförslaget”, utarbetat av de välkända franska senatorerna Valérie Boyer och senator Bruno Retailleau, godkändes efter att det presenterats för den franska senaten. Som det är känt, massakrerades mellan åren 1914-1918, under det osmanska riket, hundratusentals assyrier i samband med det armeniska folkmordet. Republiken Turkiet, som fortfarande förnekar folkmordet, grundades på det kristna folkmordet. Förnekandet av Turkiet är

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FG Production & Frank Gilbert The Road to Urmi takes us back to 1915, following the Ottomans’ declaration of war against the Assyrians, who lived under their authority, viciously attacked, and impacted by the massacres committed by the Ottoman Turks, beginning with the kidnapping of the honorable Hormiz, Mar Benyamin Shimun’s brother, to force the Patriarch Mar Binyamin to surrender his people and weapons to the fate of death, that awaited them in the hands of the Turks. Tragically, Mar Benyamin

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Küllerinden doğan Süryani halkını, yangınlarla korkutamazsınız

Herbole, Şırnak/ İdil’den sonra önce Mardin/ Deyrul Zafaran manastırına ait 700 zeytin ağacı yakıldı. Daha Deyrul Zafaran manastırının yangını sönmeden yine Süryani köyü olan Midin’de bağlar, bahçeler ve Tur İzlo (Bagog) dağlarının eteğinde bulunan 6 Süryani köyü;  Arkah, Kısmen Arbo ve Kafro köylerinde bağlar, tarlalar yakıldı. En son 3 Ağustos 2019’da Süryani köyü Badıbe kundakçılık yapılarak yakıldı. Kundakçıların çıkardığı yangınlar Süryanilere hem maddi hem manevi olarak çok zarar vermiştir. Süryanilerle birlikte Mardin coğrafyası da ülkemiz de iklim bozulmasından ötürü zarar görecek.

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